e英语教程3Unit2课后答案文档格式.docx
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(sth.)
impossible
因为太困难而使…不可能
这门用什么方法也打不开。
The
door
all
attempts
open
it.
此问题无法解决。
problem
solution.
3.
given
(L.13)
prep.
taking
into
account
考虑到(某事物)
鉴于政府在解决失业问题上成绩不佳,他们在选举中获胜机会似乎不大。
Given
government’s
record
unemployment,
chances
of
winning
election
look
poor.
考虑到她喜欢孩子,我可以肯定教书是最适合她的职业。
that
she
is
interested
children/Given
her
interest
children,
am
sure
teaching
right
career
her.
adj.
(esp.
attrib)
specified
stated
(尤作定语)确定的;
所述的;
规定的
他们要在规定的时间和地点会晤。
were
meet
at
time
place.
这项工作必须在规定时间完成。
This
work
must
done
within
time.
4.
crush
(on
sth.)
n.
(L.16)
(infml)
strong
but
typical
brief
liking
(for
sb.)
喜爱
小学生往往很钦佩老师。
Schoolchildren
often
have/get
crushes
teachers.
乔治对玛丽有意思哦。
Gorge
has
big
Mary.
5.
fancy
(L.18)
v.
have
desire
wish
(sth.);
want
渴望或希望得到(某事物);
想要
我想来杯茶。
cup
tea.
你晚饭喜欢吃什么?
What
do
you
supper?
believe
imagine
想;
以为;
想象
我看今天要下雨。
(that)
it’s
going
rain
today.
他好像听到身后有脚步声。
He
fancied
he
heard
footsteps
behind
him.
短语:
oneself
(as
自命不凡;
自负
6.
blossom
40)
(of
tree
shrub)
produce
flower(指树木)开花
樱桃树今年开花早。
cherry
trees
blossomed
early
this
year.
out
(into
(fig.)
develop
healthy
promising
way;
grow
sth.);
flouris
健康的成长;
长成或发展成(某事物);
兴盛
莫扎特早在童年时已初露头角(成为作曲家)。
Mozart
poser)
very
life.
她已亭亭玉立,成了美丽的少女。
She
(out)
beautiful
young
lady.
7.
restraint
(L.48)
[C]
~on
sth./sb.
thing
checks
controls;
restriction
起遏制作用的事物;
管制措施;
约束力
他勇于打破常规的约束。
never
afraid
off
restraints
convention.
她再也无法忍受有限的收入对家庭开支预算的约束了。
began
find
family
budget
limited
ine
unbearable.
[U]
state
being
controlled
checked抑制,遏制;
管制;
约束
那孩子的感情一直受到压抑。
child’s
affections
kept
under/suffered
continual
restraint.
8.
jump/climb/get
bandwagon
(L.55)
joining
others
doing
sth.
fashionable
likely
successful
赶浪头;
赶时髦;
随大流
低腰牛仔裤现在很流行,人人趋之若骛呢。
Low-waist
jeans
are
popular
now―everyone
jumping
bandwagon.
我想也不妨像人们说的赶赶时髦。
suppose
may
well
climb
bandwagon,
they
say.
背景文化:
bandwagon指的是有乐队的马车。
在十九世纪的美国南方,参选人为了吸引选民注意,在选战进入紧锣密鼓阶段会安排车队造势,在车阵的最前方会有一辆上面有乐队表演的马车。
拜票过程中,民众会跳上车表示支持,期待该候选人当选了,可从中捞到好处。
后来,人们便将“跳上乐队车”引申为“赶时髦”之意。
9.
via
(L.58)
by
way
through
经由(某事物);
通过
我可以通过部通讯系统给他发个通知。
send
him
note
internal
mail
system.
他取道土耳其来到欧洲。
came
Europe
Turkey.
10.
blame
sb.
/
(L.63-64)
consider
say
responsible
(badly
wrongly)
not
责怪;
责备;
归咎于
她把婚姻的触礁归咎于他。
blamed
failure
marriage
调查组指出火车司机应对事故负责。
inquiry
train
driver
accident.
11.
acquire
vt.
(L.73)
gain
one’s
own
ability,
efforts
behavior
(靠自己的能力﹑努力或行为而)获得,得到(某事物)
学好英语
good
knowledge
English
学会喝白兰地酒
taste
brandy
得到不诚实的名声
reputation
dishonesty
我妹妹无法把她的书桌搬入新居,我就是这样才得到它的。
My
sister
couldn’t
take
desk
with
new
house:
how
12.
let
loose
(L.83)
allow
deal
(在某场合)让…任意行动,给予自由
把狗放开一会吧。
Let
dog
minute.
只有当人们有足够训练之后,才允许他们在体制自由发展。
People
only
system
once
received
sufficient
training.
13.
forge
84)
shape
heating
it
fire
hammering
锻造;
打铁
锻造剑﹑铁链等
sword,
chain,
etc
(fig)
create
(usu.
lasting
relationship)
means
hard
(靠艰苦工作)建立(通常为长期关系)
建立同盟﹑联系﹑联盟等
bond,
link,
alliance,
患难中建立起来的友谊
friendship
forged
adversity
14.
…,(L.13-14)
鉴于…的情况
就这台发动机的情况来看,只要能发动它就算是奇迹了。
condition
engine,
wonder
even
starts.
鉴于他的名声,我无法确定我们是否应该聘用他。
his
reputation,
we
should
hire
15.
there
more…than
(L.78-79)
…决不仅仅意味着…
沙漠所意味的远远不只是沙子。
There
more
desert
than
sand.
B)
1.
moist
潮湿的;
湿润的
要记得按时给植物浇水以保持土壤湿润。
Do
remember
water
plant
regularly
keep
soil
moist.
他妹妹双眼噙着泪水。
His
sister’s
eyes
became
派生词
moisten
(使事物)潮湿,湿润
moisture
潮湿,水气
moisturize
(施化妆品)使(皮肤)滋润
engaged
16)
pred.)(指一人或两人)已订婚;
忙的,没空的
她和彼得定了婚。
She’s
Peter.
我告诉他我在忙别的事。
told
was
otherwise
engaged.
同源词:
engaging
吸引注意力的;
迷人的
fascinate
(L.23)
使(某人)着迷﹑神魂颠倒或极感兴趣
孩子们让商店橱窗里的玩具给吸引住了。
children
fascinated
toys
shop
window.
我瞧着她,完全被她迷住了。
watched
her,
fascinated.
course
36)
在…期间
新的铁路正在建设中。
railway
construction.
在面试过程中中我的心跳得厉害。
heart
beat
thickly
interview.
manipulate
(L.38)
熟练控制或操纵(某事物)
原始人很快就学会了使用工具。
Primitive
man
quickly
learned
tools.
你知道如何使用计算机吗?
know
puter?
agonizing
(L.46)
使人痛苦的
折磨人的疼痛
pain
恼人的耽搁
delay
痛苦的决定
decision
所有中国人无不殷切盼望早日结束这种令人痛心的局面。
All
Chinese
people
yearning
end
situation
agonize
(对某事物)极度忧虑或担心
agonized
a.
表示痛苦的
clip
(用剪刀)剪(某物);
(尤指)剪短,修剪
为参加狗展把狗的毛剪短了。
dog’s
fur
clipped
short
show.
她将旧的纪录缩短了近两秒。
nearly
two
seconds
old
record.
file
58)
用锉切削(某物)
她在很仔细地锉指甲。
filing
finger-nails
great
care.
发动机的被锉掉了。
engine
numbers
filed
away.
yield
vi.
72)
屈服,让步;
(对某人/某事物)不再反对
该城受长期围困而被迫弃守。
town
forced
after
long
siege.
她禁不住诱惑,又吃了一块巧克力。
yielded
temptation
had
another
chocolate.
vain
74)
结果地,徒然;
无效果的,无用的
昨晚我怎么也睡不着。
tried
sleep
last
nignt.
我们的工作全都白干了。
our
vain.
Keys
Exercises
Enhance
Your
Language
Awareness
Working
Expressions
curled
minimum
3)
4)
5)
Given
6)
awaiting
7)
8)
affection
9)
interact
haste
11)
harden
12)
grief
13)
14)
glance
15)
presence
17)
18)
19)
20)
restraints
let…loose
fit
affairs
build…on
In
short
used
blame…on
reached
give
take
Increasing
Word
Power
overcoat
overhead
overjoyed
overslept
overweight
overdue
overtime
overworking
attribtes
bubbled
grasp
drizzling
labeling
yield
We
hands.
still
some
money
hand.
Give
me
hand
box,
please.
dictionary
football
fans
Hand
pencils
everyone
class.
ring
handed
down
grandmother.
Time’s
up.
Please
your
test
papers.
magazine
roommates.
I’m
can’t
you.
green
Sitting
stairs
//
On
sitting
Over
wall
flew
Round
corner
was
Then
finally
came
Under
table
lying
At
top
(On
of)
hill
stood
beaver
chews
food
material
build
its
home
with.
Tom
nice
boy
go
with?
goals
which
fought
life
seem
unimportant
now.
None.
essay
starts
asking
question,
author
then
gives
positive
answer.
haste
affairs
distinguished
meeting
minds
blossom
inner
charm
intimacy
emotion
acquiring
ideals
admiration
honor
overwhelming
1)无论是友情还是爱情,你都不可能期待自己付出最少而得到最多。
(maximum;
minimum)
either
love
both
love,you
expect
receive
maximum
minimum.
2)我把全部希望寄托在他的承诺上,结果却发现他根本不是个真诚的人。
(build
on;
sincerity)
built
hopes
promise(s),
sincerity
all.
3)我们带母亲去了所有我们能找到的最好的医院,但一切努力都是徒劳的。
母亲还是没能熬过那次疾病(in
vain)
took
Mother
best
hospitals
could
find,
vain;
failed
disease.
4)情人节(Valentine’s
Day)是个一年一度在2月14日庆祝的节日,一个向自己心仪的对象表达爱意的好日子。
(affection)
Valendine’s
Day
annual
holiday
celebrated
February
14,
perfect
day
express
object
affection.
在信息时代,通过电子方式跟远方的朋友交流几乎可以是同步的(simultaneous)。
(era;
via)
information
era,
munications
far-away
friends
almost
virtually
simultaneous.
6)爱情需要时间,因为只有慢慢习惯和学会欣赏对方才会产生出爱情。
(grow
to;
forge)
Love
takes
time,
grown
other’s
pany
appreciate
other.
Paragraph
Transltion
After
dinner,
sat
around
hearth.
Aunt
Susan
losing
Uncle
Robert.
soft
voice
us
about
past
years.
Robert
joined
army
shortly
engaged.
t