英语语音训练-长元音Word文档格式.docx
《英语语音训练-长元音Word文档格式.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《英语语音训练-长元音Word文档格式.docx(3页珍藏版)》请在冰豆网上搜索。
park
star
party
garden
al-
half
calm
au-
laugh
ear-
heart
uar-
guard守卫;
警戒
短语/句子:
rather
fast
large
in
my
heart
The
car
is
smart.
2.
ɔ:
]
【发音规则】舌后缩,舌后部略抬高,双唇收的又圆又小,并向前突出。
or
aw
our
oor
water
war
or-
for
horse
short
forty
sport
more
ball
fall
wall
tall
autumn
aw-
law
our-
fourteen
oor-
door
floor
chalk
and
blackboard
John
bought
door.
There
are
four
more
balls
by
the
wall.
Her
daughter
put
some
salt
water.
3.
ɜ:
【发音规则】舌身平放,舌中部稍抬起,双唇向两旁伸开,上下齿微微张开,嘴成扁平型。
e
ea
ir
ur
era
e-
term
ea-
learn
ir-
third
thirteen
firm
work
world
ur-
nurse
purple
early
early
1930’s
He
works
this
firm.
Early
bird
gets
worm.
4.
i:
【发音规则】嘴角向两边张开,口形扁平,舌尖抵下齿,舌前部抬高,流出微笑的表情。
字母:
Bb
Cc
Dd
Ee
Gg
Pp
Tt
Vv
ee
eo
me
we
she
eat
tea
sea
beat
read
meat
meal
seat
ee-
bee
see
tree
knee
sheep
sleep
eo-
people
free
speech
She
feels
sleepy.
We
need
meal.
sea.
5.
u:
【发音规则】舌头尽量后缩,双唇收圆并突出,口型小,发音时保持嘴形不变。
u
o
oo
ou
ui
u-
blue
ruler
o-
dotwowho
shoe
oo-
toozoo
cool
food
moon
room
school
ou-
soup
group
ui-
fruit
useful
rule
gloomy
room
【语音练兵场】
一.
找出红色字母发音与其他三项发音不同的单词。
1.
A.
carB.
warC.
starD.
meatB.
teacherC.
breakfastD.
please
doB.
twoC.
lotD.
who
zooB.
foodC.
roomD.
good
learnB.
beatC.
teaD.
seat
6.
sportB.
moreC.
worldD.
horse
答案:
二.
从A、B、C、D选项中找出红色部分与开头单词标红部分发音相同的一项。
half
B.
talkC.
calmD.
wall
laugh
autumnC.
soupD.
schoolC.
people
learn
horseC.
sleepD.
shoe
blue
workC.
beatD.